
43 results:

Climate-neutral property portfolio – an announcement, an ambition

In various areas, humans have already exceeded the limits of what the planet can cope with. Climate change – and the accompanying call for decarbonisation – can be described as one of the greatest



… Zurich. Completed in 2020 the property offers space for small,…


Logistics real estate? It’s logical, really.

The real estate industry has been catering to the growing demand for logistics properties for some time now. This trend has been further accelerated by greater mobility and general digitalisation in


The new normal: flexible office spaces

The current pandemic has shown that radical change is also sweeping through office settings. It is incumbent on property investors to work with their tenants to come up with sustainable solutions for


Setting an example of sustainability

As the largest real estate company listed on the stock exchange in Switzerland, we lead by example and are aware of our responsibilities towards our employees, customers, the environment and society


Think tank with rail link

Where the massive printing presses of Switzerland’s illustrious NZZ newspaper used to turn, space is currently being created for 2 000 workplaces in the engineering, technology and


Biodiversity as part of a modern property portfolio

The development and implementation of a promising sustainability strategy stands and falls by the identification of the topics critical to a particular business. For Swiss Prime Site, these are the


YES! The next generation is ready.

As a partner to the business education organisation YES Young Enterprise Switzerland, we support the continuing education and training of school students aged between 16 and 20. Our employees take on


The digital documentation assistant

The nursing field requires extensive and, most importantly, precise documentation. Digital systems like careCoach help ensure a high quality of care for patients. To achieve consistent standards at


A village for the Stücki Park

Giant leaps are being made towards the future in Basel's Stücki Park. Opening of the new «Village in Stücki Park» is planned for the end of October. The Village will form a place for people to meet.

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