Fact sheet


Where are Swiss Prime Site shares and bonds traded?

The share and bonds are traded at SIX Swiss Exchange.

What are the ticker symbols and ISIN?

Share: SPSN, CH0008038389

Information on bonds can be found here.

What distributions have Swiss Prime Site shareholders received in the last three years?

The distributions can be found here.

Who are the largest shareholders of Swiss Prime Site?

The largest shareholders of Swiss Prime Site can be found here.

When and where will the General Assembly take place?

The agenda can be found here.

What is the address of the shareholders' register?

Swiss Prime Site AG
Share Register
c/o Computershare Schweiz AG
P.O. Box
4601 Olten

Email share.register.dont-like-spam@ich-will-kein-spam.computershare.ch
Phone +41 62 205 77 00
Fax +41 62 205 77 90


Definition of alternative performance indicators

Cash yield
Distribution per share as a percentage of the share price at the end of the period.

Earnings per share (EPS) excluding revaluations and deferred taxes
Profit (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) less revaluations and deferred taxes, divided by the weighted average number of outstanding shares.

Employees and full-time equivalents (FTE)
Number of persons contractually employed by a group company as at the balance sheet date. Multiplying by the percentage level of employment shows the number of full-time equivalents (FTE).

EPRA like-for-like rental change
Shows the development of net rental income from the stock of investment properties that were under our operational control within two balance sheet dates. Changes from purchases, sales and developments are not taken into account.

EPRA NDA (net disposal value)
Determines equity per share based on a sales scenario. Deferred taxes are therefore recognised as they are under IFRS.

EPRA NRV (net reinstatement value)
Determines equity per share based on the assumption that no properties are ever sold. The NAV is therefore adjusted for deferred taxes and the necessary incidental purchase expenses are added back. Captures the value of the assets that would be needed to rebuild Swiss Prime Site.

EPRA NTA (net tangible asset)
Determines equity per share on the assumption that properties are bought and sold in the same volumes as before. Some of the deferred taxes will therefore be crystallised through sales. However, based on our Company performance to date and our planning, the share of sales is low. Besides expected sales, intangible assets (in our case mainly IT systems) are fully excluded from the NTA.

Equity ratio
Total shareholders’ equity as a percentage of balance sheet total.

Funds from operations (FFO)
This key figure is a measure of cash flow from operations (FFO I). FFO II also includes cash effective income from property sales.

Interest-bearing financial liabilities
Current and non-current financial liabilities less derivative financial instruments (other non-current financial liabilities).

Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of the property portfolio
Current and non-current financial liabilities (without lease obligations) of the Real Estate segment as a percentage of the property portfolio (without rights of use) at fair value.

NAV (net asset value) after deferred taxes per share
Equity (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) divided by the number of shares issued on the balance sheet date (excluding treasury shares).

NAV (net asset value) before deferred taxes per share
Equity (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) plus deferred tax liabilities, divided by the number of shares issued at the balance sheet date (excluding treasury shares).

Net property yield
Real estate income as a percentage of the property portfolio at fair value as at the balance sheet date.

Operating result before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)
Operating result before financial result and taxes (EBIT) plus depreciation on tangible assets and amortisation on intangible assets.

Operating result (EBIT) excluding revaluations
Operating result before financial result and taxes (EBIT) less revaluation of investment properties.

Profit excluding revaluations and deferred taxes
Profit less revaluations of investment properties and deferred taxes.

Return on equity (ROE)
Profit (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) divided by average equity (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG).

Return on equity (ROE) excluding revaluations and deferred taxes
Profit (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) less revaluations and deferred taxes, divided by average equity (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG).

Return on invested capital (ROIC)
Profit (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) plus financial expenses divided by the average balance sheet total.

Return on invested capital (ROIC) excluding revaluations and deferred taxes
Profit (attributable to shareholders of Swiss Prime Site AG) plus financial expenses less revaluations and deferred taxes, divided by the average balance sheet total.

Vacancy rate
Rental income from vacancies as a percentage of target rental income from the rental of investment properties.

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