
1/2 Strategic and operational progress with increased earnings.

1/2 Wir feiern dieses Jahr unser 25-jähriges Bestehen und sind stolz darauf, seit einem Vierteljahrhundert erfolgreich nachhaltige Lebensräume zu schaffen.

1/2 Long-term rental contract concluded with the Manor Group for around 13 000 m² of retail space across three floors in the Jelmoli building.




We create living spaces in which people enjoy staying, work efficiently and flexibly or spend their leisure time. In our stories we look behind the facades.

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«We’re feeling the synergy between the two segments even more.»

2023 proved to be one of the most challenging years in the real estate sector in a long time – rising interest rates, far fewer transactions, and valuation corrections were just some of the headline issues. In spite of this, Swiss Prime Site ended the year with a strong operational result. René…

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Resources in mind – sustainable investing in circular buildings

Properties are long-term investments that stand for decades and therefore have a major impact on our environment. With this in mind, Swiss Prime Site pursues a sustainability strategy that covers the most important environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects.

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Alto Pont-Rouge – new spaces in Geneva to work and live

Right by Lancy-Pont-Rouge train station, on the Esplanade 4 plot, a services building of 28,000 square metres across 15 upper floors has been taking shape over the last three years: Alto Pont-Rouge. This is the next major construction milestone in Geneva’s major development project…

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Living spaces

The Green Lease

Sustainability and environmental awareness are among Swiss Prime Site’s core values. The company wants to achieve climate neutrality in its own portfolio by 2040. Green leases will play a key role in achieving this goal. But what exactly are they?

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Real estate management must also be prime!

Karin Voigt is Chief Portfolio Officer at Swiss Prime Site, with responsibility for a real estate portfolio of around 180 buildings in some of Switzerland’s top locations. We discussed quality, modern portfolio management, sustainability, digital real estate and the levers that control them. She…

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