Swiss Prime Site is committed to responsible, value-oriented management and control of the company. Swiss Prime Site understands this to mean that central issues for ensuring impeccable management are regulated in writing and can be viewed publicly as part of reporting - entirely in the spirit of transparent governance. The monitoring and handling of violations are a central task of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. This responsibility is concretised in the role model function, in the commitment to the vision and values of Swiss Prime Site, in the issuing of rules and regulations and in the monitoring of the implementation of organisational and procedural measures. The implementation and control of the relevant measures (compliance management) is the responsibility of the General Counsel, who also holds the position of Head Legal & Compliance.
Swiss Prime Site's compliance management comprises the systematic recording of, knowledge of and adherence to legal regulations as well as internal company guidelines and ethical principles. Swiss Prime Site relies on a structured system of directives and process management. All related documents and information are recorded in a dedicated IT tool and are available to all employees at all times. All the information contained is regularly updated by the relevant managers.
The assessment of compliance risks is an integral part of Swiss Prime Site's risk management and is carried out at least once a year as part of the review and updating of the risk profile and the risk inventory of Swiss Prime Site. The risk assessment forms the basis for the definition and implementation of risk mitigation measures.
Compliance audits are carried out regularly by the Internal Audit department to check compliance with statutory regulations and internal company guidelines and ethical principles. In 2023, an audit of the "Expenses of the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board" was conducted. The audit confirmed that the expenses of the senior management complied with the Swiss Prime Site expense regulations without any negative findings. The scope of the compliance audit is determined annually as part of the annual planning of the internal audit and approved by the Board of Directors. Regular internal training on the subject of business ethics and compliance is a central instrument for ensuring that the fundamental values of Swiss Prime Site are known and practised by all employees. Such training courses are initiated and coordinated by the Legal & Compliance department and carried out depending on the topic. Due to the nature of the industry, Swiss Prime Site pays particular attention to the avoidance of corruption and anti-competitive behaviour. In addition, Swiss Prime Site attaches great importance to an exemplary approach to security issues in all areas of the business model - around the properties, for employees and clients. This also includes IT security. In the current year, two important topics were addressed in the training courses: IT phishing and conflicts of interest in transactions with related parties.
In the current year, Swiss Prime Site is not aware of any cases of non-compliance with laws and/or regulations. Accordingly, no fines or sanctions have been recorded.
Code of Conduct
Swiss Prime Site places greatest emphasis on its corporate culture and the integrity of its employees. It is the duty of our employees to live by these values and integrate them into their everyday actions. Our Code of Conduct provides clear rules and guidance in our daily work environment.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
The Swiss Prime Site Group is committed to ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and pursues the goal of adhering to a responsible and customer-oriented procurement policy. This policy is intended to help us meet our financial, environmental and social responsibilities together with our partner companies, our suppliers and their suppliers in turn to offer rental space to our tenants and services to our customers that are produced in an environmentally conscious manner at all times. It is based on the principles of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and on the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Data Protection
Swiss Prime Site is committed to data protection. As part of our conscientious responsibility for the processing of personal data, we have also appointed a data protection advisor. She advises us on data protection matters and acts as a point of contact for the persons concerned and for the authorities.
Integrity Platform
Any person (employee, business partner, customer, supplier, third party, etc.) can anonymously report violations of external and internal regulations (e.g. corruption, fraud, bullying, etc.) via the external and independent Integrity Platform. The Integrity Platform is operated by the external and independent company EQS Group (www.eqs.com). All reports go through the secure servers of EQS Integrity Line and not through the servers of Swiss Prime Site. All data is encrypted. Furthermore, when using the Integrity platform, neither IP addresses, time nor metadata are logged or stored. Therefore, no information is available that the person's computer can associate with the Integrity Platform. This ensures the anonymity of the person, unless they proactively choose to give their name.
The Human Resources and Legal & Compliance departments of Swiss Prime Site are notified of reported incidents via the Integrity Platform. They analyse and assess the reported incidents within the organisation. Relevant incidents requiring action on the part of Swiss Prime Site are reported anonymously to the CEO and the Board of Directors. The further course of action is defined within this narrow personal framework.
In 2022, there were no reports concerning Swiss Prime Site. 10 reports were received via Wincasa. These do not relate directly to the Swiss Prime Site Group but to the behaviour / circumstances of external suppliers and service providers as well as customers of Wincasa. These reports were forwarded to the relevant Wincasa departments for further clarification. No reports concerning Swiss Prime Site have been received so far this year.
Find a response
You can obtain a response to a previous report by entering your case number and password here:
Bribery and Corruption
Bribery and corruption do not represent a priority risk in Switzerland due to the stable political and regulatory environment. Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that operational units of Swiss Prime Site may come into contact with the issue, for example in the case of large property transactions or large purchasing volumes.
Swiss Prime Site condemns all forms of bribery and corruption, promotes a culture of combating fraud and pursues a zero tolerance approach in this regard. The overriding responsibility / supervision lies with the Board of Directors. Ensuring the implementation of appropriate measures is the responsibility of the Group Executive Board. Identified or reported incidents (e.g. via the Integrity Platform) are analysed and assessed by the General Counsel and further action is determined together with the Board of Directors and the Group Executive Board. Proven incidents of unethical behaviour end with case-specific disciplinary measures for the persons concerned. In the event of violations of the law, additional legal action (civil or criminal) will be taken.Swiss Prime Site setzt zur Vermeidung von Vorfällen hauptsächlich auf präventive Massnahmen.
- All employees sign the Code of Conduct, which regulates the handling of bribery and corruption, together with their employment contract.
- Twice a year, a "Welcome Day" is held for new employees. At this event, the General Counsel addresses the topics of corruption and bribery as well as how to deal with conflicts of interest.
- Swiss Prime Site has issued strict rules for dealing with favours and gifts. In connection with their business activities, employees are prohibited from accepting gifts or other benefits from third parties for themselves or others, or from accepting promises of gifts or benefits that go beyond minor, generally accepted gifts or benefits.
- The principle of dual control applies to all legal transactions. The financial competences and thus also the competences to conclude contracts are laid down in the competence regulations and in the document Business competences of Swiss Prime Site.
- From 2023, compliance with the rules of conduct will be confirmed by all employees.
In cases of doubt, employees shall clarify the permissibility of accepting benefits (gifts, invitations, etc.) with their superiors and with the unit responsible for compliance. The same applies mutatis mutandis to the granting of gifts or other benefits or to invitations by employees. The Integrity Platform is also available to employees for reporting incidents.
Since the establishment of Swiss Prime Site, no cases of active or passive corruption and bribery have been reported or become known.
Sponsoring and donations
We are involved in various areas of society and support specific regional and national target groups with approximately CHF 1.0 million annually. Our sponsoring concept is based on the "core and satellite" approach. Core" focuses on projects, events and people from the areas of innovation, research and teaching in line with our core business. The commitment in the "Satellite" area serves to promote various projects in the categories of youth, sport and culture. We also support events and organisations that promote the real estate market and Switzerland as a business location, and we are involved in charitable work.
Political commitment
As a company, we are not politically active and do not support any political party, neither with donations nor with other contributions. The participation of employees in political activities on behalf of Swiss Prime Site is not permitted. However, employees may be politically active as private individuals in their own name. Such activities are regarded as secondary employment and require the approval of Swiss Prime Site. The representation of Swiss Prime Site's interests in business and politics is indirectly promoted through membership of the Swiss Real Estate Association (VIS). No other political interest groups are supported.