
543 results:

«It’s there for everyone»

Real estate, journalism and art. What unites these three things? The unlikely answer comes vividly to life in the Medienpark in Zurich Altstetten, which weaves these elements together in a sensory…


Anticipating future trends with start-ups

The one billion venture capital threshold for Swiss start-ups was broken in 2018. Switzerland has a lively and highly successful start-up scene, clustered in the cantons of Zurich, Vaud and Zug. A…


Innovation – expecting the unexpected

Innovation is part of human DNA and has been around forever. Technological change has always had a tendency to be disruptive and has led to economic, societal and environmental upheaval in the past.…


«We’re setting new standards for the future»

For Peter Lehmann, CEO of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien, the focus is on the customer as a person. The JED, YOND and Alto Pont-Rouge projects exemplify this focus in various ways and demonstrate how…


Traineeship: Real Passion 4 Real Estate

The traineeship programme by Swiss Prime Site, established in 2017, gives talented young people an opportunity to experience the exciting world of real estate first-hand. Over the course of the…


Mixed Reality makes construction plans clear and tangible

Mixed Reality enables the digital visualisation of construction plans, which can be displayed in a layer over reality at the click of a button. This is made possible by the software ‹sphere›,…


From box-ticking to impact

We are used to receiving «non-financials» under the label of «sustainability» as a kind of ancillary company report offering a look back over the past financial year. This practice reveals a lot…


Riantbosson Centre – modern property and a power plant in one

Geneva is evolving. A real urban revolution is under way in the metropolis on the shores of Lake Geneva. Increasingly, banks and other financial services providers are taking a critical look at the…


The integrated approach to sustainability

Illustrating a company’s CO2 footprint requires more than simply measuring its own direct emissions. Greenhouse gases emitted by its suppliers or third parties must also be considered in the overall…

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Outlook 2019

What are the issues and trends for the real estate industry to watch in 2019 and beyond? Alexandra Bay, Head Group Research at Swiss Prime Site, has analysed and summarised the economic outlook and…

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