Annual General Meeting approves all proposals of the Board of Directors


Olten, 23 March 2022

  • Approval of the annual financial statements 2021 and the distribution of CHF 3.35
  • Adoption of votes on the compensation of the Board of Directors and Executive Board
  • Brigitte Walter elected to the Board of Directors, other members re-elected

Approval of the annual financial statements 2021 and the distribution of CHF 3.35
The annual financial statements 2021 were approved by the Annual General Meeting. The distribution proposed by the Board of Directors of CHF 3.35 per registered share was also confirmed. This is composed of an ordinary dividend from the balance sheet profit of CHF 1.675 gross per registered share (CHF 1.089 net after deduction of 35% withholding tax; ex-date: 28 March 2022) and a withholding tax-exempt distribution from a nominal value reduction of CHF 1.675 per registered share. The corresponding payment is expected to be made on 13 June 2022 (planned ex-date: 9 June 2022).

Adoption of votes on the compensation of the Board of Directors and Executive Board
In a consultative vote, the Annual General Meeting accepted the Compensation Report 2021 of Swiss Prime Site AG. Furthermore, in two separate binding votes, the shareholders approved the total 2022 compensation for the members of the Board of Directors and for the Executive Board of the Group.

Brigitte Walter elected to the Board of Directors, other members re-elected 
Brigitte Walter was elected to the Board of Directors of Swiss Prime Site. Shareholders approved the re-election of Board of Directors members Barbara A. Knoflach, Gabrielle Nater-Bass, Ton Büchner, Christopher M. Chambers, Mario F. Seris and Thomas Studhalter for a further term in office until the Annual General Meeting 2023. Ton Büchner was re-elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee consists of Thomas Studhalter (Chairman), Christopher M. Chambers and Brigitte Walter. The Nomination and Compensation Committee comprises Gabrielle Nater-Bass (Chairwoman), Christopher M. Chambers and Barbara A. Knoflach. The Investment Committee consists of Barbara A. Knoflach (Chairwoman), Mario F. Seris and Brigitte Walter. The newly established Sustainability Committee is formed by Ton Büchner (Chairman) and Barbara A. Knoflach.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Investor Relations, Markus Waeber
Tel. +41 58 317 17 64,
Media Relations, Mladen Tomic
Tel. +41 58 317 17 42,

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