Success Stories

Living spaces

«There is craftsmanship and passion behind it»

Together with the startup Rüedu, Swiss Prime Site is bringing fresh, local produce into urban neighbourhoods. Customers can enjoy around-the-clock shopping in mobile wooden containers.

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For the living spaces of tomorrow

We work together with start-ups to intensify our innovation process and drive forward pioneering technologies and business models. Our Startup Accelerator Programme provides a platform that brings together start-ups, specialists from Swiss Prime Site and our network for a two-day event where they…

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Co-creating the digital future of real estate

The start-up Tower360 has partnered with Swiss Prime Site Immobilien and Wincasa to develop a data-driven, vertically integrated letting and asset management platform on which all relevant data for property owners, managers and marketers is compiled centrally on dashboards and can be edited…

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Anticipating future trends with start-ups

The one billion venture capital threshold for Swiss start-ups was broken in 2018. Switzerland has a lively and highly successful start-up scene, clustered in the cantons of Zurich, Vaud and Zug. A variety of accelerator, pitch and hackathon events, conferences and awards ceremonies are all signs of…

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Living spaces

E-mobility is the future

Ever more electric cars can be seen on Swiss roads each year. As an innovative, sustainable real estate firm, Swiss Prime Site wants to provide its customers and tenants with the option of charging their electric vehicles quickly and easily. The company starting by commissioning ten charging…

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Mixed Reality makes construction plans clear and tangible

Mixed Reality enables the digital visualisation of construction plans, which can be displayed in a layer over reality at the click of a button. This is made possible by the software ‹sphere›, developed by holo|one. Swiss Prime Site tests and develops the technology together with Sven Brunner and…

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4th Accelerator Workshop on 8/9 August 2018

On 8/9 August 2018, we are proud to host our fourth Accelerator Workshop. The theme will be «Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data & Analytics». Eight selected start-ups will be invited to pitch and work with the Swiss Prime Site management and industry experts to set up a pilot project…

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