
We act with an awareness of the environment and respect for its resources – whether in terms of investments in real estate, property management or the associated services and uses.


Through the consistent reduction of our CO2 emissions, we are doing our bit to achieve the two-degree target set by the Paris Agreement and the Swiss Federal Council’s further goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. When it comes to existing properties, our EC/BO online system (energy controlling and business optimisation) continually records the energy consumption of 144 properties (corresponds to 93% of the total area of the property portfolio), allowing us to carry out ongoing optimisation of the heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems. This enables us to significantly reduce our energy consumption and our CO2 emissions. In order to increase self-production of renewable electricity in the future, the entire property portfolio was reviewed in 2019 for its suitability for the installation of photovoltaic systems and 18 properties were identified. In 2021 four photovoltaic systems with a total output of 630 kWp and a yield of around 640 000 kWh were put into operation. At the end of the year, there were 16 PV systems. In 2022, at least two further systems will be put into operation.

In 2021, two existing properties were connected to the district heating network and three new builds with renewable heat energy were put into operation. In a range of properties, Swiss Prime Site Immobilien also benefited from the improved environmental quality of district heating. 


When carrying out modernisations or constructing new buildings, we promote the circular economy by reusing materials that are thought to be at the end of their life cycle. In doing so, we reduce waste and the cost of materials. One example of this is our property on Müllerstrasse in Zurich, where we are deconstructing the old aluminium facade, recycling or cleaning it and reinstalling parts of it. As a partner of Madaster Switzerland and CE2 Circular Economy Entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to the circular economy in the real estate and construction industry. In 2021, construction of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien’s pilot project for circular construction began.


When it comes to our new buildings, in the medium term we aim for emission-free construction, and in the long term we aim to use them for energy production. We construct new buildings in accordance with green building standards such as LEED, Minergie®, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) or the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS). Properties already awarded Minergie®, LEED or DGNB certifications include EspacePost in Berne, SkyKey, Media Park and Prime Tower and Platform in Zurich, Stücki Park in Basel and the Opus 1 and 2 building complex in Zug. In 2019, the Schönburg residential estate in Berne was also converted according to SNBS criteria. For our largest development project in Geneva, ALTO Pont-Rouge, we likewise adhered to SNBS requirements and are aiming to receive certification after completion in 2023. In the portfolio, 16 buildings are currently certified according to BREEAM In-Use (building, operation). The aim is to extend this certification to a around 20 more existing properties in 2022.

What we have achieved so far


A new era of opportunity for sustainability

The phrase «turning point» is commonly used in various contexts at the moment. Epidemiologists, for example, are using it to refer to a new era and the considerably higher risk of pandemics. Politicians, meanwhile, are using it in the context of the war in Ukraine to describe the presumed end of a…

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Certification as a foundation for sustainable added value

We are convinced, sustainable, future-oriented governance increases the company's resilience. This particularly applies to Swiss Prime Site’s comprehensive real estate portfolio. The objective of certifying as many of the 180+ properties as possible enables the company to create a frame of…

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Living spaces

Green leases – a marathon rather than a sprint!

With its Energy Strategy 2050, the federal government has set the course for a future of reduced environmental pollution. This means that sustainability issues and ESG (environment, social, governance) will continue to grow in importance and will be increasingly embedded in individual corporate…

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Nur für Online-GB

Climate-neutral property portfolio

Humans have exceeded the limits of what the planet can cope with in a number of areas. Climate change – and the accompanying call for decarbonisation – is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. The responsibility of states, corporations and every single person, employee and consumer is…

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Nur für Online-GB

The healthy building

Health-consciousness, which has been increasing over recent years, has been greatly heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is placing new demands on real estate. After all, in Switzerland people now spend up to 21 hours a day indoors. It is important to take this multi-layered change in…

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The circular economy is more than just recycling

As the leading real estate company in Switzerland, Swiss Prime Site is committed to sustainability and assumes responsibility for its actions, the environment and society. An innovation workshop held in September 2020 examined the question of how Swiss Prime Site’s business models could do more to…

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On the right track

It has been over two years since Swiss Prime Site issued its first sustainability report. What progress has Switzerland’s leading listed real estate company made, and where does it stand now?

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The integrated approach to sustainability

Illustrating a company’s CO2 footprint requires more than simply measuring its own direct emissions. Greenhouse gases emitted by its suppliers or third parties must also be considered in the overall picture. Urs Baumann, Head of Sustainability & Innovation, explains how it is even possible to…

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Living spaces

E-mobility is the future

Ever more electric cars can be seen on Swiss roads each year. As an innovative, sustainable real estate firm, Swiss Prime Site wants to provide its customers and tenants with the option of charging their electric vehicles quickly and easily. The company starting by commissioning ten charging…

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Living spaces

A new standard at the best location

Sustainable building is one of the key aspirations of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien. As a result, the company is focusing more strongly on the Swiss Sustainable Building Standard (SNBS) when it comes to future construction projects. The commercial complex at Pont-Rouge in Lancy will mark the start of…

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Minor changes with major effects

The letter we all get once a year detailing «ancillary cost accounts» is anything but ancillary for Swiss Prime Site Immobilien. It doesn’t just present significant costs for tenants or the company itself, it also reflects the environmental impact, which is of great significance to Swiss Prime Site…

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Any company, such as Swiss Prime Site, that makes a commitment to sustainability must also be very specific in its implementation; for instance, a reduction in CO2 emissions. This is why the real estate development company uses energy from Swiss and European hydropower for its properties. It is…

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Living spaces

Riantbosson Centre – modern property and a power plant in one

Geneva is evolving. A real urban revolution is under way in the metropolis on the shores of Lake Geneva. Increasingly, banks and other financial services providers are taking a critical look at the high costs of property in the Central Business District (CBD) and are moving to more modern offices…

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Sights set on the target

What can a company like Swiss Prime Site do to support international climate policy and achieve the UN two-degree target, which has been ratified by Switzerland? This is a question that will occupy the Group's company Wincasa over the coming weeks, months and years. As the process kicks off, three…

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