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267 results:

The Green Lease

Sustainability and environmental awareness are among Swiss Prime Site’s core values. The company wants to achieve climate neutrality in its own portfolio by 2040. Green leases will play a key role in



Swiss Prime Site Solutions develops tailor-made services and investment products for clients in the real estate sector. The Real Estate Asset Manager has around CHF 8.2 billion assets under man


Katia Favre

"Solid data protection is the basis of trust". Function Data protection advisor to the Swiss Prime Site Group in accordance with Art. 10 of the new Data Protection Act. She is the point of contact f


Real estate management must also be prime!

Karin Voigt is Chief Portfolio Officer at Swiss Prime Site, with responsibility for a real estate portfolio of around 180 buildings in some of Switzerland’s top locations. We discussed quality, modern


Biodiversity as part of a modern property portfolio

The development and implementation of a promising sustainability strategy stands and falls by the identification of the topics critical to a particular business. For Swiss Prime Site, these are the re


«Our company’s resilience is particularly evident right now.»

Swiss Prime Site with its twin cornerstones Real Estate and Real Estate Asset Management achieved a successful performance and good results in the 2022 financial year. René Zahnd, CEO of the Swiss Pri


Drazenka Salis

Drazenka Salis +41 58 317 17 39


New Work at Swiss Prime Site

Since spring 2022, Swiss Prime Site employees have been enjoying not just a unique work location, but also new office spaces that epitomise the spirit of New Work. The return of floor space by a tenan


Angelika Gröschl

Angelika Gröschl +41 58 317 16 55


Setting an example of sustainability

As the largest real estate company listed on the stock exchange in Switzerland, we lead by example and are aware of our responsibilities towards our employees, customers, the environment and society a

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