Corporate Engagement
With its business operations, Swiss Prime Site contributes to economic and social development in many different ways. We are committed to training young people and our employees, and we also support social and cultural organisations and projects as part of our various sponsorship activities.
Our sponsorship concept is based on three key areas and we define our objectives as follows. We communicate the activities and progress of the individual sponsorships and partnerships to our employees several times a year in various formats.
- Philanthropy: We promote the social development of young people in particular. In addition to our corporate commitment, every employee can support charitable organisations in which Swiss Prime Site is subsequently also involved as a company.
- Real estate: We promote the general development of the property sector in terms of innovation, sustainability and other fields.
- Community: We promote the health and well-being of our employees and the local population. In doing so, we focus primarily on sport, which contributes significantly to successful teamwork.
Swiss Prime Site employees are given one day off per year to carry out volunteer work. «Make a Difference Day» not only increases the sense of responsibility towards the community, but also fosters a sense of togetherness within the company. Initiatives include the coaching for mini-enterprises as part of the YES (Young Enterprise Switzerland) company programme.
In the area of charity work, Swiss Prime Site supports organisations that are committed mainly to helping children and young people in Switzerland and abroad. There is a strong focus on promoting education, development and inclusion in social and societal structures.

Young Enterprises Switzerland
Young Enterprise Switzerland (YES) is a non-profit organisation that develops and supports practice-oriented business and opinion education programmes for students, with the aim of creating more relevance between business and school work. Swiss Prime Site CEO René Zahnd serves as Chairman of the organisation. YES’s main programme is the «Company Programme» that accompanies mini-enterprises for a year and offers them financial and practical support.

SOS Children's Villages
The focus of SOS Children's Villages is on the long-term and holistic development of children. It does so by providing children in need with a loving family environment based on reliable relationships and personal, family-like care. The organisation is active on all five continents and manages more than 500 children’s villages worldwide.
Real Estate
As Switzerland’s largest listed real estate company, contributing towards economic and social development is a matter close to our hearts. We therefore work with and maintain partnerships with relevant organisations and start-ups in the field of research. Through our Corporate Ventures activities, we also look to develop innovative products and seek out new scalable business models that our employees could apply in their daily work to contribute to growth in the real estate and sustainability sector.

NZZ Real Estate Days
The Real Estate Days offer expert knowledge and dialogue on relevant topics, trends and challenges relating to the Swiss real estate industry. Swiss Prime Site is a platinum partner of the property conference.

Avenir Suisse
Avenir Suisse is an independent think tank that works for the future of Switzerland by developing evidence-based, liberal, free-market ideas. The motivation behind Avenir Suisse’s work is the long-term preservation and enhancement of Switzerland’s prosperity.
The commitment in the area of community focusses on sport and supporting Swiss athletes.The aim is to help them achieve a high level of performance and promote up-and-coming talents so that Switzerland can continue being successful in the world of sport.

Schweizer Sporthilfe
The association Schweizer Sporthilfe has been supporting athletes on their way to the top for more than 50 years. We are a Silver Partner of Schweizer Sporthilfe.

Athletes Network
Athletes Network is a platform for active and former Swiss athletes. Often, the skills acquired during a career as a top athlete can also be useful in the business world. Athletes Network supports its members during the transition process and connects them with established companies such as Swiss Prime Site (Platinum Partner).