
544 results:

February 2017

Foundation of Swiss Prime Site Solutions AG Swiss Prime Site Solutions was founded in 2017, thereby establishing our second strategic pillar: asset management. In this area, we have specialised in…


January 2019

We create sustainable living spaces Our progress in the area of sustainability since the early 2010s shows that we take our role model function as a large property company seriously.…


January 2020

Corporate Engagement, Ventures & Innovation As part of our business activities, Swiss Prime Site contributes to economic and social development in many ways. We are committed to the education…


January 2022

Strengthening and focussing the Real Estate business area Our property projects are not only economically successful, but also set standards in the area of «ESG». This underlines our commitment to…


January 2022

The Real Estate Asset Managers After strong organic growth in the first few years, we were able to take advantage of the consolidation trend from 2022 and further strengthen our market position…


Shareholder structure

Major Shareholders Shareholding interest > 3% * as at 31.12.2023 BlackRock Inc., New York >10.00% Credit Suisse Funds AG, Zurich 6.46% UBS…



REPORT 2023 ANNUAL REPORT Selected group key figures in 01.01.– 31.12.2022 or 31.12.2022 01.01.– 31.12.2023 or 31.12.2023 CHF m 432.8 438.3 1.3 % 2.0 4.3 115.0 Income from asset…



REPORT 2023 NON-FINANCIAL Cover photo 28 000 square metres of services space on 15 floors: the Alto Pont-Rouge, designed by Geneva architects Brodbeck-Roulet and located right by Lancy-Pont-Rouge…



One of Swiss Prime Site's strengths is its ability to develop its own projects and bring them to market maturity. This allows us to act with a high degree of independence from market…


About us

Swiss Prime Site was founded in 1999. The Company is the largest stock exchange-listed real estate group in Switzerland. Currently, its property portfolio is valued at CHF 13 billion. Including…

Search results 11 until 20 of 544
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