Policies and Documents

The following policies, regulations and concepts define how we deal with our various stakeholders.

Articles of Association

The Articles of Association describe the corporate purpose and the organisational structures of Swiss Prime Site AG.

Articles of Association

Investment regulations

These investment regulations apply to Swiss Prime Site AG and its subsidiaries domiciled in Switzerland and have been approved by the Boards of Directors of these companies.

Investment regulations

Organisational regulations

The Organisational Regulations set out the roles and responsibilities of the bodies of Swiss Prime Site AG and the Swiss Prime Site Group and govern their collaboration.

organisational regulations

Environmental policy concept

The Swiss Prime Site Group is committed to following a sustainable environmental policy and pursues the goal of responsible and forward-looking environmental and energy policies. The Company is committed to the 2-degree goal of the Paris Climate Agreement, and to the Swiss government’s aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. We strive to promote the judicious use of resources and ecological diversity in all our activities, and to take all measures, including in those areas not subject to regulation, necessary to meet the expectations of society in general and the coming generation in particular.


Environmental Policy Concept, FR

Code of Conduct

Swiss Prime Site places greatest emphasis on its corporate culture and the integrity of its employees. It is the duty of our employees to live by these values and integrate them into their everyday actions. Our Code of Conduct provides clear rules and guidance in our daily work environment.

Swiss Prime Site Code of Conduct

Swiss Prime Site Code of Conduct, FR

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

The Swiss Prime Site Group is committed to ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct for Suppliers and pursues the goal of adhering to a responsible and customer-oriented procurement policy. This policy is intended to help us meet our financial, environmental and social responsibilities together with our partner companies, our suppliers and their suppliers in turn to offer rental space to our tenants and services to our customers that are produced in an environmentally conscious manner at all times. It is based on the principles of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and on the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Code of Conduct for Suppliers, FR

Third-party risk management (TPRM)

Swiss Prime Site is committed to the social and environmental principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work with its third parties and uses its influence wherever possible to promote their adoption. To this end, Swiss Prime Site has developed a third-party risk management system that supports the assessment and management of risks associated with working with third parties. By identifying, understanding and effectively managing risk, we protect the Company, shareholders and our partners from negative impacts such as regulatory, financial or reputational damage.

Third-party risk management (TPRM)

Data Protection

Swiss Prime Site is committed to data protection. As part of our conscientious responsibility for the processing of personal data, we have also appointed a data protection advisor. She advises us on data protection matters and acts as a point of contact for the persons concerned and for the authorities.

Portrait Katia Favre

Data protection information

Integrity Platform

Any person (employee, business partner, customer, supplier, third party, etc.) can anonymously report violations of external and internal regulations (e.g. corruption, fraud, bullying, etc.) via the external and independent Integrity Platform. The Integrity Platform is operated by the external and independent company EQS Group (www.eqs.com). All reports go through the secure servers of EQS Integrity Line and not through the servers of Swiss Prime Site. All data is encrypted. Furthermore, when using the Integrity platform, neither IP addresses, time nor metadata are logged or stored. Therefore, no information is available that the person's computer can associate with the Integrity Platform. This ensures the anonymity of the person, unless they proactively choose to give their name.

The Human Resources and Legal & Compliance departments of Swiss Prime Site are notified of reported incidents via the Integrity Platform. They analyse and assess the reported incidents within the organisation. Relevant incidents requiring action on the part of Swiss Prime Site are reported anonymously to the CEO and the Board of Directors. The further course of action is defined within this narrow personal framework.

In 2022, there were no reports concerning Swiss Prime Site. 10 reports were received via Wincasa. These do not relate directly to the Swiss Prime Site Group but to the behaviour / circumstances of external suppliers and service providers as well as customers of Wincasa. These reports were forwarded to the relevant Wincasa departments for further clarification. No reports concerning Swiss Prime Site have been received so far this year.

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