Story Detail
Beauty, service and synergies
The doors to Pallas Kliniken on the fourth floor of Jelmoli are wide open. The generously proportioned reception area is an inviting space. «It’s hard to believe that there was nothing but ordinary offices here just a few months ago», says Reto Felder. He is an asset manager with Swiss Prime Site Immobilien and looks after the property, which has been in the company’s possession since it took over Jelmoli in 2009. It is now one of the most valuable buildings in its portfolio.
Behind the reception desk, which seems to imitate an human silhouette, there are two cylindrical rooms. «We use them for brief customer consultations. It could be someone looking around Jelmoli who drops in because they’re interested in a treatment and want to get more information», explains Martine Fehr, who is manager of the new Pallas location and also responsible for the Aesthetics division throughout the Zurich area. With this she mentions two of the reasons why Jelmoli and Pallas Kliniken have formed a partnership – both companies cater to a demanding clientele, and both companies provide exclusive services. «We saw the synergies and presented our idea to Pallas Kliniken CEO, Georgos Pallas, in October 2018», explains Reto Felder. «We had met at a business networking event for the Wirtschaftsförderung Region Olten just a few months before», he recalls. «We both have our headquarters in Olten.»
The interior of the beauty clinic is an impressive blend of pared-down design and luxurious furnishings. The colour scheme sticks to subtle beige and white tones. «We wanted to offer our guests a comfortable environment that isn’t sterile», explains Martine Fehr. «My background is in hospitality, so I have always focused on the needs and satisfaction of the customer. All our services adhere to the same high quality, because we don’t just want to meet customer expectations – we want to exceed them.» It’s a goal Jelmoli shares. Just like Pallas Kliniken, the long-standing department store aims to give that final touch-up to the customer journey and constantly develop the customer experience. Switzerland’s largest premium department store has increasingly become a meeting place in recent years, with its unique shopping experiences and innovative service concepts. Customers are greeted by a comprehensive range that encompasses fashion, sport, lifestyle and food. «With the arrival of Pallas Kliniken we now offer an even broader spectrum in the field of beauty – a range of services you won’t find anywhere else in Switzerland», says Reto Felder.
The treatment rooms are flooded with light and fitted with the latest equipment. With floor space of around 900 m2, there is room for dermatological procedures such as tattoo removal, pigmentation treatment, medical cosmetology and anti-ageing methods. Fat cell reduction through non-invasive or surgical procedures is also offered, as well as plastic surgery for face and body. «We started out by treating eye disorders and vision defects. Our core competencies are laser vision correction and lens implantations», explains Martine Fehr. This year the family company celebrates its 25-year anniversary.
At their new location, a staff of 32 is on hand to look after customers. «To welcome our guests we offer a refreshing towel along with tea or a welcome drink», says Martine Fehr. Treatment rooms, where procedures such as hair replacement may take several hours, are fitted with streaming TV as standard. «If our guests are hungry we order them a freshly prepared meal from the restaurant Sopra, which is connected to our premises by a door, or any of the other restaurants throughout the department store – 11 in total.» All according to the principle of cross selling. Martine Fehr and Reto Felder agree: «We want to make the most of synergies and create new ones.» Pallas Kliniken send their staff uniforms to Terlinden in the basement level for cleaning, get room fragrances from the perfumery department and order wine for their events at the Mövenpick wine cellar in the FOOD Market. «We have put together attractive packages with Coiffina and Holmes Place which can be booked either through us or our partners. And we are also part of the Jelmoli bonus programme», says Martine Fehr. Many customers come to appointments with family members. «Instead of waiting around, at Jelmoli they have the option of browsing, shopping, or treating themselves to a meal in one of the numerous restaurants», adds Reto Felder.
«Making Zurich more beautiful» – that’s the slogan on posters that Pallas Kliniken is using to advertise its new Jelmoli location. You can find them all over the city in eye-catching red, with attractive models showing plenty of skin. «It’s 2019, and we have the confidence to say – this is who we are. There has been a positive change in the perception of aesthetic medicine. Beauty is individual», says Martine Fehr. And here she touches on a trend: individualisation. Germany’s Zukunftsinstitut (Future Institute) has identified individualisation as a megatrend, the defining cultural principle of modern society. A lifestyle, in other words. «This is what we want to offer our customers. That’s why the cooperation with Pallas Kliniken is a fruitful investment in the future of Jelmoli – both in the property and what is on offer there», Reto Felder believes.
What do the two hope to get out of their collaboration? «That we can realise the vision that unites us – continuing to offer our customers high quality, premium experiences.»