At a glance

The real estate investment platform

We are the leading partner for investors who wish to invest – or who already invest – both indirectly and directly in the real estate market. Swiss Prime Site thus covers the entire investor spectrum from private through to institutional investors. The product range includes funds (open-ended and closed-ended), mandates, investment foundations, straight bonds and the Swiss Prime Site share.

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We are the leading partner for investors who wish to invest – or who already invest – both indirectly and directly in the real estate market. Swiss Prime Site thus covers the entire investor spectrum from private through to institutional investors. The product range includes funds (open-ended and closed-ended), mandates, investment foundations, straight bonds and the Swiss Prime Site share.

Investors can invest either directly or indirectly in real estate or in products based on it. We provide real estate investment vehicles and real estate mandates for the full spectrum of investors, from qualified private investors through to institutional investors. The investment strategies differ depending on the types of use, regions and financing requirements, as well as the legal regulations for the vehicles and mandates. The services offered for the investment vehicles and mandates cover the full value creation chain along the real estate life cycle. This includes successfully acquiring a property or site, project development and project realisation, portfolio and asset management, property management and divesting properties, sites or parts thereof as well as capital procurement. The investment platform is a knowledge platform that enables high levels of customer benefit across important topics such as ESG/sustainability (e. g. circular economy) and real estate development. Synergies can be leveraged here that create additional value for our customers and therefore also for our investors. Swiss Prime Site works to the highest quality and sustainability standards and systematically focuses on current and future market needs. The goal is to ensure long-term value generation along the fields of activity of stakeholders, finance, infrastructure, innovation, ecology and employees.

We manage real estate investment vehicles and real estate mandates for the full range of investors, from experienced private investors through to institutional investors.

With more than CHF 19 billion in real estate assets under management, Swiss Prime Site is one of the leading real estate companies in Europe. The Swiss Prime Site Group comprises the group companies Swiss Prime Site Immobilien (property portfolio), Swiss Prime Site Solutions (funds and real estate asset man­agement for third-party customers), Wincasa (real estate management for Swiss Prime Site Immo­bilien, Swiss Prime Site Solutions and third-party customers) and Jelmoli (omnichannel premium department store).

Ratings and benchmarks

Swiss Prime Site is evaluated by the following leading ratings providers. The rating agency Moody’s assigns an A3 long-term issuer rating to Swiss Prime Site with a stable outlook. The rating received confirms the strong creditworthiness and strategic orientation of the Swiss Prime Site Group. GRESB evaluates the sustainability of global real estate investments. In the 2021 assessment, the property port­folio of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien received the «Green Star» award. The 2021 ratings issued for Swiss Prime Site by the ESG ratings providers Inrate, ISS ESG, MSCI and Sustainalytics either remained the same or improved.

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Swiss Prime Site is evaluated by the following leading ratings providers. The rating agency Moody’s assigns an A3 long-term issuer rating to Swiss Prime Site with a stable outlook. The rating received confirms the strong creditworthiness and strategic orientation of the Swiss Prime Site Group. GRESB evaluates the sustainability of global real estate investments. In the 2021 assessment, the property port­folio of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien received the «Green Star» award. The 2021 ratings issued for Swiss Prime Site by the ESG ratings providers Inrate, ISS ESG, MSCI and Sustainalytics either remained the same or improved.

The rating agency Moody’s assigns an A3 long-term issuer rating to Swiss Prime Site with a stable outlook. The rating received confirms the strong creditworthiness and strategic orientation of the Swiss Prime Site Group.

GRESB evaluates the sustainability of global real estate investments. In the 2021 assessment, the property port­folio of Swiss Prime Site Immobilien received the «Green Star» award. In addition, the GRESB scores are embedded as ESG targets in the Executive Board’s short-term incentive, thereby directly influencing the management’s annual remuneration.

The 2021 ratings issued for Swiss Prime Site by the ESG ratings providers Inrate, ISS ESG, MSCI and Sustainalytics either remained the same or improved. Since the end of 2021, the credit margins agreed in loan agreements with banks have been linked to the ISS ESG rating, meaning that the ESG performance directly affects the rate of interest to be paid. This enables Swiss Prime Site to further integrate financial and non-financial targets, building on the green bonds already issued.

Success story

Swiss Prime Site was founded in 1999. The Company is the largest listed real estate company in Switzerland and has a property portfolio valued at CHF 12.8 billion. Including Swiss Prime Site Solutions and Akara, the real estate assets under management are worth approximately CHF 19 billion.

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Swiss Prime Site was founded in 1999. The Company is the largest listed real estate company in Switzerland and has a property portfolio valued at CHF 12.8 billion. Including Swiss Prime Site Solutions and Akara, the real estate assets under management are worth approximately CHF 19 billion.

Real Estate Assets under Management

in CHF bn


By means of acquisitions, property developments and conversions, as well as a sharp focus on prime locations, Swiss Prime Site is continuously building up its portfolio. One of the most significant takeovers to date was the acquisition of Maag Holding (2004) with the Maag site in Zurich-West. Prime Tower and the surrounding annex buildings were developed at the site. The acquisition of Jelmoli (2009) doubled the value of the Company’s real estate holdings. In addition, significant developments – such as YOND in Zurich and EspacePost Berne – and conversions of former office floor space have generated further growth and value and created premium properties. Together with Swiss Prime Solutions and Akara (acquisition in January 2022), Swiss Prime Site manages real estate assets of approximately CHF 19 billion.

Property portfolio

Swiss Prime Site Immobilien is a real estate investment company focusing on the Swiss market. As at the end of 2021, the portfolio had a total value of CHF 12.8 billion. It consists of high-quality properties in prime locations, mainly occupied by commercial tenants.

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Swiss Prime Site Immobilien is a real estate investment company focusing on the Swiss market. As at the end of 2021, the portfolio had a total value of CHF 12.8 billion. It consists of high-quality properties in prime locations, mainly occupied by commercial tenants.

Portfolio split by region

Basis: Fair value as at 31.12.2021


Portfolio split by type of use1

Basis: Net rental income as at 31.12.2021


1 Real Estate segment

The formation of Swiss Prime Site in 1999 by the Credit Suisse Pension Fund, Siemens Pension Fund and Winterthur Leben (today: AXA) laid the foundation for the current property portfolio. Further acquisitions and significant self-development projects (including Messeturm, Prime Tower, YOND and JED) increased the quality and size of the property portfolio to a total of CHF 12.8 billion. The majority of properties (78%) are located in German-speaking Switzerland. The canton of Zurich and particularly Zurich City account for the main share in this region with 46%. Another region in the spotlight is Geneva (20%). Swiss Prime Site has focused its portfolio of high-quality, value-retaining properties situated in prime locations mainly on commercial and service companies and their needs. The main types of use are offices (44%), retail (26%) and logistics/infrastructure (9%).