Facts and

Real Estate Assets under Management


CHF billion Real estate assets under management



CHF million EBIT before revaluations

Climate neutrality


Climate neutrality target

certified floor space


Percent of the floor space are certified

Property portfolio


Loan-to-value ratio of property portfolio (LTV)

Green Bonds


CHF million Outstanding green bonds on the SIX Swiss Exchange

women on Board of Directors


Percentage of women on the Board of Directors



CHF Distribution 2021 per share



Percent of the tenants want to maintain or expand space size


Dear Readers

We are all living in challenging times at present. Having scarcely got to grips with the worst social consequences of the global pandemic, new clouds gathered on the horizon at the beginning of 2022 due to the geopolitical tensions in eastern Europe. This was closely followed by a rise in the price of raw materials, an emerging energy crisis and an interest rate pivot. Despite the largely negative expectations, the Swiss economy recorded a pleasing performance. Inflation is currently half the European level, employment is solid and immigration into the «safe haven» of Switzerland has risen sharply again after the pandemic years. This also had a positive impact on us, the country’s largest listed platform for real estate investments, enabling us to report another successful year and favourable results.

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«Our company’s resilience is particularly evident right now.»

Swiss Prime Site and its twin cornerstones Real Estate and Real Estate Asset Management achieved a successful performance and good results in the 2022 financial year. René Zahnd, CEO of the Swiss Prime Site Group, and Anastasius Tschopp, CEO of Swiss Prime Site Solutions, look back with satisfaction on a year that was exciting and challenging in many respects.

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Setting an example of sustainability

As the largest real estate company listed on the stock exchange in Switzerland, we lead by example and are aware of our responsibilities towards our employees, customers, the environment and society as a whole. Our vision is to generate value and create sustainable living spaces. For us, this means a comprehensive, multidimensional business concept in which non-financial aspects are taken into account as well as financial goals.

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Good operating results

Swiss Prime Site enjoyed a successful 2022 financial year and once again achieved a good operating performance. Following the integration of the Akara Group into Swiss Prime Site Solutions, the Services segment grew dis­propor­tionately to a total of CHF 7.7 billion AuM. As expected, the vacancy rate fell again to a low level of 4.3% as at the end of 2022. Overall, FFO growth of 6.2% per share underlines these good results.

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Comparison of key figures

Swiss Prime Site


* without revaluation and deferred taxes

Swiss Prime Site Immobilien


Swiss Prime Site Solutions






At a glance

Ratings and benchmarks

Swiss Prime Site is evaluated by the following leading ratings providers. The rating agency Moody’s assigns an A3 long-term issuer rating to Swiss Prime Site with a stable outlook. The rating received confirms the strong creditworthiness of the Swiss Prime Site Group. GRESB evaluates the sustainability of global real estate invest­ments. In the 2022 assessment, Swiss Prime Site Immobilien ranks among the international leaders in the categories «Standing Investment» and «Standing Development» with excellent results. The 2022 ratings issued for Swiss Prime Site by the ESG ratings providers Inrate, ISS ESG, MSCI and Sustainalytics either remained the same or improved.

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Our success story

Swiss Prime Site was founded in 1999. The Company is the largest listed real estate company in Switzerland and has a property portfolio valued at CHF 13.1 billion. Including Swiss Prime Site Solutions and Akara, the real estate assets under management are worth approximately CHF 21 billion.

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Our strategy

We are the leading real estate company in Switzerland and create sustainable living spaces that offer added value for our customers and for society as a whole. We focus on first-class properties, sites, real estate projects, products and services combined with an active management approach. We manage real estate assets with a total value of around CHF 21 billion, giving us a crucial size advantage when it comes to setting standards for innovation, sustainability and profitability. As such, we are the partner of choice for various stakeholder groups. Our strategy is based on two strong pillars: the Real Estate sector through which Swiss Prime Site holds and developsproperties directly, and the Real Estate Asset Management sector through which we actively invest additional assets in real estate in our capacity as an asset manager.

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Stories that move us

Stories that move us

As the leading real estate company, we create added value and sustainable living spaces, innovatively and passionately. Our real estate investments and products set high standards and we constantly strive to create added value for our stakeholders. We are steadfastly committed to sustainability and accept responsibility for our actions, our environment and the society.

Green leases – a marathon rather than a sprint!

With its Energy Strategy 2050, the federal government has set the course for a future of reduced environmental pollution. This means that sustainability issues and ESG (environment, social, governance) will continue to grow in importance and will be increasingly embedded in individual corporate strategies.

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Stücki Park – where life sciences and business come together

Since 2017, the site in Basel known simply as «Stüggi» to the locals is being completely transformed and repositioned. A former shopping centre has been turned into an urban development for leisure, entertainment, work and – above all – research, development and knowledge transfer. The former dyeing factory on the outskirts of the city is turning into an attractive life sciences hub of nationalimportance.

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Decarbonisation, net zero, buildings as power plants

Innovation smooths the way for sustainable executive management at Swiss Prime Site – and is firmly entrenched in our strategy. This enables us to implement innovation as an integrated principle across all our business fields. This is more important than ever in light of our climate target of «net zero by 2040».

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Maaglive: an oasis for working, residential living and cultural activities

The site of the former Maag Zahnräder AG near the Hardbrücke railway station was revitalised by the construction of Prime Tower, the Cubus and Diagonal annex buildings and the Platform corporate building. The buildings continue to shape the region to this day. The Maaglive project now marks the beginning of a new chapter.

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The real estate sector in the metaverse

Tech companies are investing billions in creating the next generation of virtual worlds. As part of this, real estate companies could look to expand upon their current business models in a targeted way. Yet not everything that is technically possible is likely to lead to success.

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Certification as a foundation for sustainable added value

We are convinced that sustainable, future-oriented governance increases the company's resilience. This particularly applies to Swiss Prime Site’s comprehensive real estate portfolio. The objective of certifying as many of the some 180 properties as possible enables the company to create a frame of reference, transparency and the foundation on which to generate ecological, economic and social added value for all stakeholders, for the long term.

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The next stage in real estate asset management

Addition isn’t just for maths – addition can also create synergies, pool knowledge and optimise customer benefits. In early 2022, the addition of Swiss Prime Site Solutions and Akara resulted in a single company. Officially completed in mid-2022, this successful merger represents the next stage in real estate management. 

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A new era of opportunity for sustainability

The phrase «turning point» is commonly used in various contexts at the moment. Epidemiologists, for example, are using it to refer to a new era and the considerably higher risk of pandemics. Politicians, meanwhile, are using it in the context of the war in Ukraine to describe the presumed end of a stable European order, in particular among the major powers. The expression reflects the fact that recent events have had such a profound impact that a return to any previous state of normality is no longer conceivable.

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New Work at Swiss Prime Site

Since spring 2022, Swiss Prime Site employees have been enjoying not just a unique work location, but also new office spaces that epitomise the spirit of New Work. The return of floor space by a tenant in the Prime Tower offered the rare opportunity to move closer together and to merge and redesign two adjacent storeys.

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