January 2020

Corporate Engagement, Ventures & Innovation

As part of our business activities, Swiss Prime Site contributes to economic and social development in many ways. We are committed to the education of young people and our employees, and we support social and cultural organisations and projects through various sponsorships. We support organisations such as Young Enterprises Switzerland (YES), SOS Children's Villages, NZZ Real Estate Days, Avenir Suisse, Swiss Sports Aid and the Athletes Network.

Corporate Engagements

Since 2018, Swiss Prime Site has been working with young companies from Switzerland and abroad as part of its own Startup Accelerator Programme. This regularly results in long-term collaborations, prototypes and new products, as well as extensive PoC studies, customer partnerships and strategic investments. Thanks to our workshops, which take place several times a year, we have already examined more than 1000 start-ups and invited over 100 to participate in our programme.

Accelerator Programme

Prime Tower goes Metaverse! With a height of 126 metres and 36 floors, it is one of the tallest office buildings in Switzerland. Prime Tower is now entering new spheres and can also be found in the Metaverse since 2023. It covers Swiss Prime Site's entire value chain digitally - from acquisition, project planning and construction to marketing and letting.

Meta Prime Tower