
Dear Share­holders, dear Readers,

The past year has been challenging in many respects. But Swiss Prime Site has taken important strategic steps in this tough environment and achieved positive results – clear testament to the resilience of our company and our business model.

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The past year has been challenging in many respects. But Swiss Prime Site has taken important strategic steps in this tough environment and achieved positive results – clear testament to the resilience of our company and our business model.

«Today, we present Swiss Prime Site
to you as a focused real estate company.»

Transformative year

Early on in the year, we announced we would wind down operations at Jelmoli – a very emotional moment and a difficult decision. At the heart of our considerations, besides the eco­nomic perspective, were our concerns about how the employees would adapt to the new circumstances and around the loyalty from many of our customers. But we are firmly convinced that the Jelmoli building will benefit from the realignment and will retain its role as a particularly vibrant meeting place in the city. We are aware of the unique significance of the property for the city centre of Zurich and will ensure it maintains this status. The second big step took place shortly afterwards when we sold our property management business Wincasa to Implenia. Both Wincasa and the Implenia Group are strategic partners for our business and we look forward to seamless continuation of our positive partnership.

Today, we present Swiss Prime Site to you as a focused real estate company. Since the sale of Tertianum in 2020, we have been transforming ourselves from a conglomerate with over 6 000 employees into a specialised, agile company, which will soon have around 200 employees and focus on our core competence: the real estate business. This will allow us to fully align our expertise with our portfolio and realise synergies with third-party investors. This focus will make our operations more effective and efficient, creating a more distinctive business profile. Our properties are in prime locations with a high degree of versatility and flexibility in usage types, which means they attract a particularly robust tenant base with a long-term focus. We generate growth primarily through our high-quality developments and with additional external capital in the Asset Management division.

Exciting environment

Regrettably, this past year was once again dominated by global geopolitical tensions. We are deeply shaken by the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East and we earnestly hope these situations will be resolved as quickly as possible. In our day-to-day opera­tions in Switzerland, these ongoing conflicts have had little effect thus far. Our tenants and customers often tell our employees that they increasingly appreciate Switzerland as a place to live and do business. The strong Swiss franc, low inflation, and an economic environment that remains robust are certainly a testament to that. Switzerland is once again living up to its reputation as a «safe haven», where the majority of economic ­indicators point to a significantly better situ­ation than in the rest of Europe.

The changing inflation and interest rate environment has had a major impact on expectations in the real estate sector over the past year and contributed to a high level of uncertainty. But the end of the year brought signs of change, with inflation slipping back considerably. We believe that the market sentiment is improving markedly and we are seeing real estate investors becoming more active in the market again.

Significant milestones

Swiss Prime Site has posted good operational results in this highly eventful year. Despite significantly higher interest rates, we could even slightly increase our comparable operating cash flow (FFO I CHF 4.05 per share vs 4.00 in 2022). Thanks to our strong financial position, we can propose an unchanged dividend of CHF 3.40 per share to the Annual General Meeting.

We continued to benefit from our fun­damentally new financing strategy implemented in 2021. With a strong balance sheet, low levels of debt, and a high share of unencumbered assets, Swiss Prime Site has greatly improved its profile in the credit ­market: in 2023, we successfully placed CHF 425 million in bonds within our «Green ­Finance Framework» on the capital markets and also extended our credit lines with a sustainability link despite the challenging situation in the banking market.

We are particularly proud to have delivered two projects to new tenants in the most important Swiss business centres in 2023: in Zurich, Google took over a fully renovated office building, our first major circular building project, while the new Alto Pont-Rouge building in Geneva welcomed the French bank BNP Paribas along with other tenants. Both projects were completed within budget and on time, proof of our exceptional development expertise.

We once again actively managed and further improved the real estate portfolio last year, resulting in a record low vacancy rate of 4%. Under our capital recycling strategy, we have also sold older buildings and properties outside of economic centres. We are primarily reinvesting the proceeds in our growth through the developments mentioned above and other construction proj­ects. Overall, our development focus is on centrally located offices, laboratories and logistics buildings – it is in our DNA to aim for the highest sustainability standards.

Our Asset Management division felt the uncertainty on the investor side, especially in the first half of the year. There was a lack of appetite anywhere in the market for new investment, which meant very limited new funds for acquisitions in the portfolio. In this environment, Swiss Prime Site Solutions stood out even more and increased managed assets by close to 10% to CHF 8.4 billion. Our team excels in the market with its real estate expertise and top-notch fund and investment products. Our extensive experience makes us the preferred partner for more complex transactions, such as contributions in kind from pension funds and sale & lease-back transactions for commercial properties.

«Despite the challenging ­environment, our
Asset ­Management division ­realized growth in 2023.»

Strategic outlook

Swiss Prime Site is very well positioned with its implemented focus on the two pillars of «Real Estate» and «Asset Management» and we look to the future with confidence. After a transformative 2023, we will be focusing even more on fully tapping the potential in our own portfolio and in the Asset Management division. Our strategic priorities are the following.

Rental growth: We see further potential here in terms of our lettable areas as well as rental rates and will become more efficient by focusing on our portfolio.

Developments: We are creating landmarks in Switzerland – the new Jelmoli building is just another example. In 2024 and 2025, we will hand over several large buildings which have already been let, and we are planning more projects such as Grand Passage in the centre of Geneva.

Asset Management: Our goal is to further broaden and diversify our Asset Management business. We aim to expand our product range, tap into new groups of investors, and foster partnerships.

Sustainability: We aspire to be a leader in sustainability. Our teams work day in and day out on innovative concepts for saving resources and promoting renewable energy with an eye to the future. Our CO2-reduction pathway and circular construction are the main steering elements.

I personally feel very proud to be representing Swiss Prime Site and working with such a professional and motivated team. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I would like to thank you, our shareholders, for your trust and support. Together with our tenants, customers, employees and partners, we will continue to create sustainable value with living spaces that meet the needs of our modern society.

Ton Büchner
Chairman of the Board of Directors

«We’re feeling the synergy between the two segments even more.»

2023 proved to be one of the most challenging years in the real estate sector in a long time – rising interest rates, far fewer transactions, and valuation corrections were just some of the headline issues. In spite of this, Swiss Prime Site ended the year with a strong operational result. René Zahnd, Swiss Prime Site CEO, looks back on the financial year.

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«We’re feeling the synergy between the two segments even more.»

2023 proved to be one of the most challenging years in the real estate sector in a long time – rising interest rates, far fewer transactions, and valuation corrections were just some of the headline issues. In spite of this, Swiss Prime Site ended the year with a strong operational result. René Zahnd, Swiss Prime Site CEO, looks back on the financial year.

Swiss Prime Site

How would you sum up 2023, René?
Of course, one major impact on the year was the difficult decision at the start of the year to wind down operational business activities at Jelmoli by the end of 2024. It wasn’t an easy decision for us, but it became the only economically viable option after we were turned down by a large number of potential partners. The sale of Wincasa in May was another key milestone on the group’s journey to becoming a «pure play» real estate company. Here, I’m pleased that we’ve come up with a solution that will provide the Wincasa team with new opportunities and give us the scope to focus. In a challenging market environment, we’ve achieved good operational results in our core business, Real Estate, which once again demonstrates the resilience of our business model. I’m always delighted by the success of our asset managers in the area of new rentals, where we have managed to attract top-notch tenants such as Zurich Insurance and the Canton of Bern. By implementing the rent indexations, we achieved rental growth of 4.3% on a like-for-like basis. This allowed us to keep our operating cash flow (FFO I) stable despite increasing interest rates and asset disposals. We also completed the major projects Alto Pont-Rouge in Geneva and Müllerstrasse in Zürich, which will generate around CHF 26 million in additional rental income for us in 2024. On top of that, we achieved 10% growth in Asset Management and we are now, for the first time ever, closing out the year with more than CHF 8 billion in assets under management – an impressive achievement in my opinion, and one which truly underscores the strength of our team and the Swiss Prime Site brand.

Swiss Prime Site looks significantly different today than it did five years ago. What led to this development?
This is a question we hear often. The original reason for expanding into new business areas was to diversify revenues. But we realised diversification did not really have much of an impact when it was supposed to; for example, during the pandemic, when things weren’t going well for Jelmoli. In fact, the relative complexity of the different business models proved an obstacle to further engagement for many who were involved with Swiss Prime Site. We’re now focusing on what we excel at: developing and letting prime real estate – for ourselves and for third parties. This has gone down very well with our shareholders.

How are things at Jelmoli heading into the closure at the end of 2024?
After the expected initial upheaval, things are running very smoothly eyeing the last year in operation. Such a closure is very hard on the employees, but we’re pulling out all the stops to find a solution which works for everyone. We celebrated the 190th anniversary of the Jelmoli building in 2023 with various campaigns. We deeply appreciate the loyalty of our customers and employees, so we are returning the favour. After the end of the 2024 Christmas season, we will cease operations. The planning and preparatory work for the conversion is in full swing, and we have submitted the application for the building permit. The construction work will begin in 2025, and we are in initial preliminary discussions regarding the letting.

Interest rates have dominated sentiment in the real estate market of late. What’s your assessment of the current situation?
I think there was a certain period of the market finding its feet as far as property investment is concerned. The elevated uncertainty in the interest and inflation environment has been challenging for development projects and transactions. We’re witnessing increased activity in both these areas again, a trend no doubt due to the stabilisation if not fall in interest rates. Clearly capital has become more expensive, but it’s also clear that modern properties in desirable locations are always in demand. And in Switzerland, we’ll be experiencing an excess in demand for the foreseeable future.

«We’re now focusing on what we excel at: developing and letting property in prime locations.»

René Zahnd, CEO Swiss Prime Site

Which brings us to the rental market. How has it been doing?
We’ve seen a clear polarisation in terms of location and quality. Modern buildings in very good locations are easy to let, while lower-quality properties in decentralised locations with poor connections are harder to let. This is especially true for office properties; companies are investing more and more in their employees, especially in a tight labour market. In the retail market, we’re generally seeing a stabilisation, if not a slight improvement – even compared with before the pandemic. We’ve also been expanding our infrastructure segment for some time and focusing on laboratory spaces, which are still in high demand in Basel and the Zurich region. Switzerland as a location is benefiting overproportionately from the growth in the life sciences sector. We can also see, through our Asset Management business, that the residential property market is doing very well. People are renting more again, and so we were able to very successfully let apartments in the residential «Akara-Tower» in Baden, which opened recently.

And what about the transaction market?
We are seeing clear signs that things are steadily improving. First, after a low point in volumes around the turn of 2022/23, sales and purchases are significantly higher again. Second, more institutional buyers are active on the market again, whereas before it was more local buyers with specific property strategies. Third, transactions are getting bigger. This is something we’re observing and also contributing to, with a targeted acquisition alongside the Prime Tower. It’s always important to closely observe what is motivating sales. It’s largely portfolio optimisation – and that goes for us as well – rather than emergency sales for liquidation. Sellers are not willing to make major concessions on prices. This also explains why transactions are continuing at about the same level as the last appraiser estimates. We’re a net seller in the market and in 2023 we again sold buildings for a total of CHF 280 million, with proceeds 7% above the last appraisal value.

The bulk of Swiss Prime Site’s portfolio is in the office and retail sectors. What’s your view of this focus?
We believe that our focus is very well suited to the Swiss market and the current environment, that it’s diversified, and that it allows for growth. The services sector, which is where the majority of jobs are created, generates the highest added value in this country. And here we offer modern office spaces in very good locations – exactly what the market wants. Historically, our portfolio had a significant retail share due to the acquisition of Jelmoli Holding in 2009. We have reduced this over recent years and we anticipate a share of around 20% once the Jelmoli building in Zurich is repositioned. And to be honest, we think this share is attractive: it’s lucrative, defensive, with a lot of retail space for day-to-day needs, and when we talk about our retail, we’re mostly talking about prime locations, particularly in Zurich and Geneva. And in newer types of use, we’ve been very successful with infrastructure properties such as logistics and laboratory spaces. Here, we typically work with major tenants with very specific requirements, and we’ve demonstrated that we’re a customer-oriented partner.

How is work from home evolving in working life and what impact is it having on office occupancy?
Naturally, this is an topic that we frequently discuss with all stakeholders. The world of work has become more flexible and certainly more work is being done from home than before the pandemic. But we’re also seeing that well-connected, high-quality office spaces are more sought after than ever. What is the reason for this? In my opinion, there are several reasons. First, culturally Switzerland is a highly consensus-oriented country and this is also seen in the fact that employees enjoy coming to the office and engaging in dialogue there. And then there’s the fact that commuting times are relatively short, averaging less than 30 minutes, making the journey to the office relatively hassle-free. Third, demand for space is moving away from individual workstations towards communal spaces like meeting rooms, workshops and other shared spaces. Effectively, this often means that more space is needed, not less. And lastly, it’s more important than ever that companies create incentives through good locations with spaces that appeal to employees so that as much work as possible is done on site. Every year, we survey our tenants about the importance of location and quality – in 2023, the figures reached a record high. Interestingly, tenants are talking to us about expansion, even though we know they are simultaneously considering reducing their floor space elsewhere. This is also a reflection of the polarisation taking place in the lettings market. At Swiss Prime Site, we can consider ourselves lucky that we have the right properties in our portfolio.

Let’s move on to Asset Management. Growth there was lower in 2023. How is this business doing?
Overall, we’re extremely satisfied with how our Asset Management department has been performing. We mustn’t forget that the market in 2023 was dominated by restraint and anxiety. Of course, we had higher expectations at the start of the year following a record-breaking 2022. But in a contracting market, we managed to grow our AuM by 9% to CHF 8.4 billion and maintain high levels of profitability with 77% of recurring income. We’ve built a business area which has reached a critical mass with a high level of recurring business. It shows how resilient we are even in a more challenging environment, and that we can still grow.

What products do investors want in Asset Management and which ones are they steering clear of?
What was interesting last year was a certain level of restraint, not only in absolute investment appetite but also in relative preferences. Products for residential properties were in greater demand than those for commercial properties, even though cash flow returns for residential properties were often significantly lower. Pension funds make up a very high proportion of investors in this sector – where it appears the risk profile outweighs the need for distributions. But from conversations with these investors, we’re noticing a change in sentiment, which is becoming stronger and which we think is mainly due to the stabilising interest rate environment. We believe improving sentiment will have a positive impact on the overall investment appetite in the current year – for products in both the residential and commercial sectors.

Where do you see the growth opportunities for new money in Asset Management?
We strongly believe that structural trends will drive further increases in new money. The most important factor here is the growth in population and labour force with an impact on the pension fund system. Most forecasts in both areas are pointing to a growth rate of close to the 1% mark over the coming years. In a country with a high per capita income, this translates to significantly higher membership contributions that have to be invested. Here we’re talking around CHF 20 billion each year, with an upwards trend. We’re also expecting a wide range of playersinstitutional investors to increasingly outsource the management of their real estate investments. Investing in property is becoming increasingly complex due to tightening of sustainability standards and the resulting reporting obligations, coupled with a more challenging market environment overall. This is evident in several in-kind contributions from pension funds that we implemented last year, for instance. I’m particularly pleased that all of these processes were professionally led by advisors and that we prevailed in a competitive environment thanks to our expertise and our combined experience.

How is the real estate fund landscape shaping up after the Credit Suisse takeover?
Concentrated and fragmented at the same time. On the one hand you have UBS, now the only major bank, with a market share of more than 40% in property funds and investment foundations. If you were to focus solely on high-quality properties, the percentage would probably be even higher. This means a concentration on one asset manager, which will prompt many investors to consider the risks involved. On the other hand, the landscape is highly fragmented. Over time, numerous small funds have emerged, largely due to negative interest rates. Now, when higher interest rates mean you need more expertise to make money with real estate, these funds will have less chance of winning over investors. As an independent asset manager, we believe we’re very well positioned to gain market share, both from portfolio reallocations due to concentration and from reallocations due to better returns.

«We offer modern office spaces in very good locations – exactly what the market wants.»

René Zahnd, CEO Swiss Prime Site 

How would you characterise the overall interplay between the two segments, your own Real Estate portfolio and Asset Management?
After focusing on the real estate business this year, we’re feeling the synergy from both segments even more. We can effectively leverage our experience and expertise in markets, property strategies and construction projects. Through our Asset Management business, we also have the opportunity of adding value without requiring additional capital of our own. It’s great to see this in the development of the former industrial site in Zuchwil. We can showcase our extensive expertise in the real estate life cycle here by creating a modern residential and commercial district idyllically located on the Aare river. Swiss Prime Investment Foundation is the owner and is letting the first units to a very diverse set of families, working professionals, and local and national companies. Besides our expertise in real estate, we can also build on common structures in the back-office area; utilising economies of scale from the group means we can offer our services in a highly efficient manner.

Swiss Prime Site is one of the largest real estate companies in Switzerland. How are the construction projects and their marketing going?
They’re on track. Last year, we completed two projects that were exemplary in terms of sustainability and neighbourhood development: the Müllerstrasse project in Zurich and the Alto Pont-Rouge project in Geneva. It’s worth noting that we were within our estimates both in terms of timing and costs – a quantitative demonstration of our development expertise. This year, we will conclude additional projects in Basel, Schlieren near Zurich, and in Lugano. We’re now almost 100%let on all projects, which once again demonstrates the current strength of the rental market at our central locations. One project development of major importance to us is Maaglive, a residential tower and community centre next to the Prime Tower in Zurich. Currently, there are two appeals pending against the building permit, but we’re confident we can mount a successful defence without making significant concessions.

The real estate sector will play a crucial role in meeting climate targets. What progress did Swiss Prime Site’s properties make in 2023 in terms of sustainability?
We’ve achieved a great deal in the past year in this area and we are on track for our longterm goals. All eligible space is covered by environmental certificates issued by external assessors, and we’ve reduced the emission intensity of our portfolio by 10%; it currently stands at 15.2 kg CO2/m2. This is well below the linear pathway to net zero by 2040. We’ve thoroughly planned our upgrade and renovation measures and we are already anticipating a significant improvement in 2024. Last year, we attracted scores of tenants for green leases – leases with mutual commitment to climate-friendly measures – and we are currently at 55% of our total space, with the aim of reaching 100% by 2025. In the circular economy, naturally we’re aware of our particular responsibility as a major developer and we have also made significant progress here. The Müllerstrasse renovation project gave us the chance to demonstrate what is possible with circular construction: we recycled 90% of the concrete, which alone saved 2 600 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

You made another purchase for your own portfolio in 2023 after a long pause. Is Swiss Prime Site now becoming more active in this space?
The purchase of the state-of-the-art office property near the Prime Tower was a unique opportunity. We’ve always said we would evaluate acquisitions very selectively, to complement our growth from developments. The Fifty-One building fits perfectly into our portfolio near the Maag site, and we’re always optimising our portfolio in terms of location and building standard. Along with the Maaglive development project, we are creating a unique campus here with a blend of sustainable living and working spaces, and attractive green and recreational areas. But this transaction doesn’t signal a strategic shift. We will continue to focus largely on the sales side and we will only consider very selective purchases of additional assets for our own portfolio. With Swiss Prime Site Solutions on the Asset Management side, we will, of course, become more active again with fresh capital.

Where do you see risks in the portfolio? And where are the biggest opportunities?
The biggest risk for us at the moment would be a general recession with high levels of unemployment, a significant loss of purchasing power, and a decline in industrial output. But we currently consider such a scenario to be relatively unlikely. Economic activity in Switzerland is proving itself highly resilient, if somewhat subdued. And because our portfolio is so well diversified, with a wide range of industries and more than 2 000 tenants, we consider ourselves very well positioned even in the event of a downturn in individual sectors. On the other hand, we see the much-discussed «10-million Switzerland» as a very realistic scenario in the not-so-distant future. We consider this to be a major opportunity for Swiss Prime Site. Ten million people will need space for living, working, shopping and going out. Space here is limited by the topography, so we simply need to make better use of what we have. Existing sites will become more valuable and development of new sites will bring us growth. And that brings us back to our core competency: we create living spaces!

Stable results, promising outlook

2023 was a successful financial year for Swiss Prime Site. We further improved our operating performance and mitigated ­the impact of higher interest rates thanks to our prime portfolio and strong financial position. We also streamlined the portfolio, laying the strategic foundations for a promising outlook, which will also simplify and improve the comparability of our financial data. ­Ongoing high demand for modern, centrally located spaces­ ­remains the driving force of our success. We are delighted to have successfully completed our largest projects in the pipeline, further strengthening our position in the market.

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2023 was a successful financial year for Swiss Prime Site. We further improved our operating performance and mitigated ­the impact of higher interest rates thanks to our prime portfolio and strong financial position. We also streamlined the portfolio, laying the strategic foundations for a promising outlook, which will also simplify and improve the comparability of our financial data. ­Ongoing high demand for modern, centrally located spaces­ ­remains the driving force of our success. We are delighted to have successfully completed our largest projects in the pipeline, further strengthening our position in the market.

In the 2023 financial year, we resolutely pushed ahead with the implementation of our strategic goals – particularly the focus on our core competency in the real estate business. One important step was the sale of Wincasa, our property management company. This meant financial reporting had to be modified in accordance with IFRS 5 («discontinued operations»). As Wincasa is no longer part of ongoing operations, the income statement for 2023 will be disclosed separately and the figures of the previous year adjusted accordingly. This makes it easier to compare our financial figures. We also introduced segment reporting for the core areas of Real Estate and Asset Management. A third segment, «Retail», is added until Jelmoli winds down operations at the end of 2024.

Steady increase in rental income

In the reporting year, there was significant like-for-like (LfL) growth in income from property rentals of 4.3% driven in particular by indexation, successful re-lettings and a further reduction in vacancies. On an absolute basis, too, we increased rental income to a record high of CHF 438 million in 2023, despite divestments under our capital recycling strategy (effect of sales CHF – 9.9 million). Strong demand for modern, central office buildings ensured a good uptake of new leases in sites such as the Prime Tower, the Medienpark in Zurich and the Messeturm in Basel. We attracted numerous first-class tenants from the private and public sectors, such as Zurich Insurance and the cantonal administration in Bern, Google in Zurich, and BNP Paribas in Geneva. This further strengthened our portfolio of tenants. The vacancy rate fell again to a record low of 4.0% [4.3% in the previous year] while the weighted average unexpired lease term (WAULT) remained broadly stable at 5.0 years at 2023 year-end.

Operating Income

in CHF million


Resilient portfolio

On a fair value basis, our portfolio boasted a stable value of CHF 13.1 billion as at the end of 2023 [13.1 in the previous year] and comprised a total of 159 [176] properties. The share of development properties amounted to CHF 0.9 billion [1.1]. In 2023, we had to ­untertake negative revaluations of CHF –250 million [+170], which corresponds to 1.9% of the starting basis for the year. Devaluations were seen in most areas of the portfolio, driven by higher discount rates. We mitigated the negative discount rate effects through improved rentals in most properties. In our development projects, we achieved value growth of CHF 19 million. In the fourth quarter of 2023, we handed over our largest development projects – the Alto Pont-Rouge office buildings in Geneva and Müllerstrasse in Zurich – to the tenants as planned and in 2024 we expect them to start making a significant contribution to rental income.

In the course of the year, we sold 16 properties and campuses that no longer fit our portfolio, with the largest of them located in Olten and Berlingen. We sold the properties for a total of CHF 280 million, resulting in an average profit of 7% above the last appraisal value. After a long period without any purchases, we made two selective property acquisitions towards the end of the year: a smaller building in Basel, adjacent to an existing property, and the «Fifty-One» building in Zurich-West. Through this active portfolio management, we are further improving our real estate holdings and focusing on new, centrally located, sustainable and larger properties that allow for optimal property management.


in CHF per share


(continuous operations)

in CHF per share


Proposed dividend

in CHF per share


Asset Management: growth in assets despite general restraint

In the first half of the year in particular, there was clear restraint on the part of investors in the Asset Management division. With the downturn in the stock and bond markets the preceding year, coupled with relatively stable property prices, many institutional in­vestors had an increased weighting in real ­estate and made very few new investments. Despite these challenges, we increased our assets under management (AuM) by 9% to CHF 8.4 billion [7.7 in the previous year]. We achieved this primarily through organic growth and reinvestments as well as contributions in kind from pension funds and other investors.

In the reporting year, revenues from ­Asset Management decreased by 4.4% to CHF 49.7 million [52.0]. This decline was mainly due to lower new issue volumes as well as fewer transactions than in the previous year. Recurring fees from construction development and other consultancy services only partially offset this decline. Through cost optimisation and economies of scale, we compensated for a good proportion of this decline and this segment’s contribution to EBIT decreased by less than 10%. The great resilience of Asset Management is also reflected in the greater stability that has come with our growth in size: 77% of earnings are now ­recurring income [63%].

Strong financial indicators

The consolidated EBIT excluding revaluations reached CHF 403 million [380 in the previous year]. Operating expenses reduced significantly to CHF 269 million with lower real estate, personnel and other costs. The Asset Management business at Swiss Prime Solutions contributed CHF 27 million to the consolidated EBIT, while Jelmoli’s retail business incurred a small loss of CHF –1 million due to reduced consumer confidence, especially in the fourth quarter. The interest expenses on our financial liabilities rose to CHF 58.5 million [40.1], driven by higher reference interest rates and regular refinancing. Total net financial expenses were CHF 76.3 million, CHF 14.3 million of which was the result of fair value adjustments to our convertible bonds due to the higher share price at the end of the year. This ­resulted in a consolidated profit after ­revaluations of CHF 236.0 million [404.4], CHF –250.5 million of which was due to ­revaluations and CHF 149.3 million to the one-off profit from the sale of Wincasa. FFO I (operating cash flow before divestment effects) rose by 1.3% to CHF 4.05 per share [4.00]. The intrinsic value (EPRA NTA) per share fell marginally to CHF 101.52 (–1.1%). The Board of Directors will propose a distribution of a dividend of CHF 3.40 per share, which remains unchanged to the previous year, to the Annual General Meeting on 19 March 2024. The amount represents 82% of the realised FFO I and, based on our year-end closing stock price, the resulting dividend yield is an attractive 3.8%.

Green refinancing and growth funded through capital recycling

We have diligently maintained our conservative financing strategy with a strong equity base. The financing ratio of the real estate portfolio (loan-to-value, LTV) was 39.8% as at the end of the year [38.8% in the previous year]. The slight increase was mainly due to the revaluation of the real estate port­folio as well as the two acquisitions at the end of the year. Under our capital recycling strategy, funds freed up from property sales and the sale of Wincasa were used for our development projects and the targeted acquisition in ­Zurich-West. Interest-bearing borrowed capital without leasing stood at CHF 5.4 billion as at the balance sheet date and was comprised of a broad range of sources in the banking and capital market. The average term reduced slightly to 4.6 years [5.0].

The average interest rate increased to 1.2% [0.9%] as at the balance sheet date, with 87% [78%] of the interest fixed. 86% of our assets were unencumbered as at the balance sheet date, which, together with the low financing ratio, was the basis for our A3 credit rating from the rating agency Moody’s. As at the end of the year, we had unused, contractually guaranteed financing lines of CHF 819 million which allows us to continue operating with a very high level of operational and financial flexibility.

In 2023, we successfully refinanced or extended CHF 2.9 billion of our borrowed capital with a sustainability link. Each extension of our banking facilities was set at one year. This means they are now extended until 2028 and 2029, with an additional extension option of one year each. Under our «Green Finance Framework», we also successfully placed CHF 425 million of bonds on the Swiss and international capital markets, and with record low credit spreads for our company.

Optimistic outlook

For 2024, we are optimistic about our high-quality real estate portfolio and leading asset management franchise.

In the Real Estate segment, we handed over our building on Müllerstrasse as well as a large proportion of the spaces in Alto Pont-Rouge to the tenants by the end of 2023. In 2024, the last two new laboratory buildings in Stücki Park in Basel will also be completed, and we expect Tertianum to move into the Lugano site by the end of the first quarter. Meanwhile, we will maintain our capital recycling strategy and sell more properties to finance our growth investments without using borrowed capital. This will allow us to continue focusing our portfolio on prime locations with modern, sustainable spaces.

We are anticipating further profit growth for our Asset Management area. Our teams have noted a more positive tone in discussions with investors, fuelled by the renewed decline in long-term interest rates, and we expect this attitude to be reflected in a stronger appetite for investing. At the same time, we are confident that as a strong independent asset manager, we can gain market share.

Throughout the company, we will continue to significantly cut back our cost base with our leaner structure, as announced. Based on the current yield curve and expiring financing, we expect financing costs to rise only marginally in 2024.

In summary, we are expecting a vacancy rate of less than 4% and the LTV to remain below 40% for the real estate portfolio for financial year 2024, a further increase in assets under management at Swiss Prime Site Solutions to more than CHF 9 billion, and further growth in FFO I from continuous operations to CHF 4.10 – 4.15 per share. We are confident we can achieve these goals for our shareholders as a basis for an attractive, self-financed dividend.

Comparison of key figures

Swiss Prime Site


Swiss Prime Site Immobilien


Swiss Prime Site Solutions


